End of session means lots of bills going into the limbo file. First thing in the morning on the last day of session, I went over the bills in the Limbo File with Jared Seay. The Limbo File holds House bills that have been amended in the Senate. As Majority Leader, it is my job to bring the bills out for a floor vote to concur or return the bills to the Senate asking them to recede from their action.

Speaker John Harris and I had something in common the last few days of session. Our glasses needed some repairs. I hobbled through one day toward the end of session trying to make my motions on the floor without glasses. Boy it's tough getting old!

Representative Nancy Dahlstrom takes a breaks and visits with Grayson David McGuire Anderson who is already two months old! Can you believe that?

Here I am answering questions from the press. They ambushed me outside the Speaker's Office as I came out of the House Chambers.

Robert Dillion from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner was a regular in my office this session. He diligently tried to stay on top of the issues and report them back to the people of Fairbanks and North Pole.

Joe Balash, Chief of Staff for Senator Therriault, and Tom Wright, Chief of Staff for Speaker John Harris discuss the last few days of sesson.

Here's one of the longest sitting legislators, Representative Richard Foster from Nome. His father was a legislator too.

Here's my chief of staff, Rynnieva Moss, watching Richard Foster roasting Mike Kelly for his birthday from the Speaker's Chambers.
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